Tidying Up Our Spending Habits in 3 Easy Steps

It’s no secret: Marie Kondo’s “Tidying Up” on Netflix has inspired across the nation a wave of organizing, attacking clutter, and thanking items that no longer bring joy on their way to the thrift store. I can see why people have gravitated toward her and her methods. There is a sense of cleansing, of purifying the home and purifying oneself, …

Begin 2019 Right On the Money!

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are awesome times to get on social media, confess your sins, devote yourself to a holy and righteous existence and avow to sin no more. Yet by the end of January, over half of people have given up on their resolutions, and by the end of the year less than 8% actually make …

Your Holiday Emergency Preparedness Plan

  Every year, millions of Americans prepare to celebrate the holidays with their families. From decorating our homes to preparing delicious food, making sure travel plans are solid and that everyone’s gifts are covered, we want to make sure everyone has a happy holiday season. And then January comes. And perhaps the bill that is associated with all that “cheer” …